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Election Cake

    Abraham Lincoln Election Cake

    October 31, 2018

    This isn’t just any cake. This is Election Cake– Abraham Lincoln’s Election Cake. And it goes way back— I’m talking all the way back to the 13 original colonies kind of ‘way back.’ In the early days of our country, Election Day was a massive holiday celebrated on par with Christmas. Women celebrated by making Election Cake in massive amounts to encourage men to vote (since women couldn’t yet vote themselves) and participate in town hall meetings. Do your civic duty, get a slice of cake! 

    There are many different versions of Election Cake. This is Abraham Lincoln’s version. But all versions are essentially a cross between yeast bread and cake. It’s similar to a fruit cake with a sourdough base, spices, and bourbon soaked fruit. If you don’t dig bourbon, you can soak the fruit in orange juice and vanilla instead. The fruit is also interchangeable– use raisins, currents, diced apples or dates– whatever you’ve got. Either way, you’ll be tasting a piece of election day history.

    Now, go rock the vote– and then have a slice of Abraham Lincoln’s Election Cake!

    abraham lincoln election cake Continue Reading

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