
Current Events

    Everything You Need to Know Before Election Day

    January 10, 2020

    Sure, you can argue that THE only real important date in the election this year is Election Day itself: November 3rd. But if you really want to be informed and do your part, other dates matter as well. It’s all part of the political process.

    Every Thursday, from now until November 3, look for our Instagram posts regarding Election Day. We’ll be posting an update on the presidential campaign along with a countdown. The goal isn’t simply to inform you that Election Day is drawing nearer, it’s to motivate you to do your part this year.

    Every Thursday, look for our Instagram posts regarding Election Day 2020. You’ll see not only updates, but also a countdown. For example, “200 days until Election Day.” That number isn’t there simply to inform you. It’s there to motivate you. It doesn’t just mean you only have 200 more days until you vote. It means you ONLY have 200 more days to decide who you want to vote for and do something about it: volunteer on a campaign, donate, register your neighbors to vote, educate yourself about issues, etc. Your duty as a U.S. citizen requires more than just voting.

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  • A Parent’s Guide to Impeachment

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    Why Press Coverage of the President Matters

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    Senate Rule 19: Learning to Play Nice

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