I Am Lucky Because…

March 17, 2020

We’re in the middle of a historic time not only in our country but also in the entire world with the spread of COVID-19. Since it’s St. Patrick’s day today, we thought we’d help shift the change a bit. Instead of focusing on all the crazy happening around us, let’s focus for a bit on all the reasons why we are so LUCKY and blessed.

We love when our online friends share ways they’re helping their kids. Thanks to our creative friends at Reading Reimagined for the inspiration for this free printable. Have your kids spend a few minutes this week writing why they’re so “lucky”…


Author: Brittany

Former White House and Capitol Hill staffer, wife, and mom.

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  • Joy Candrian March 17, 2020 at 10:18 pm

    What a great idea!

  • DaNise Orwin March 17, 2020 at 10:46 pm

    Thank you so much. I love reading your posts. I shared this one with all my sisters and my sisters-in-law. Thank you for this great idea for our families.

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