Do you want to make Independence Day more than just another fun day for your kids? Try our “Countdown to the Fourth” calendar. Engage in meaningful activities and conversations with your friends and family leading up every day this week to Independence Day and beyond! Make this Fourth extra meaningful!

Monday, July 1: Learn about the Declaration of Independence with your family. Read the document and check it out at the National Archives. Not in D.C.? No problem– you can check it out online HERE along with all of America’s founding documents.
Tuesday, July 2: Start a running list of freedoms you’re grateful for and post them somewhere (like your fridge) you can see them often. We’ve got a free download for a fancy list you can print off HERE!
Wednesday, July 3: Watch a movie, listen to a podcast or read a book about our country’s founding. For a list of Revolutionary War movies, click here. For a list of a few good children’s books about our country’s founding, click here.
Thursday, July 4: CELEBRATE BIG! Our founding fathers wanted us to do just that!
“It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” -John Adams
Begin the day with a prayer or reflection of thanks for our freedoms. In fact, make this part of daily prayers so your children know how blessed they are to live in a country with the amazing freedoms we have.
Friday, July 5: Don’t stop celebrating our country on the Fourth! Find a way to serve your community and help shape it into the place you want to live.