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American Flag

    Teaching My Children What the American Flag Means to Me

    July 3, 2017
    American Flag

    The flag, big and small ones, waving majestically in my front yard

    “And this be our motto- ‘In God is our trust!'”

    The congregation of my church belted out those words in the third verse of the Star Spangled Banner over the weekend.

    The verse permeated through me as tears streamed down my face.

    It’s not often we sing past the first verse of our national anthem. But the words in those forgotten verses, of a song dedicated entirely to our American flag, are so impactful.

    My husband hung an American flag in our yard recently. As he was adjusting it, an elderly neighbor from down the street walked by.

    “Thank you for flying that!” he said.

    That flag meant something to him. And as Independence Day approaches, I can’t help but think of the men and women who fought, and still fight, to give it meaning.  Continue Reading

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